Saturday, July 5, 2008

So....what do i say?

You know how sometimes you want to talk to someone about random stuff and you don't particularly have an available friend (at that second) that would fit the bill for that conversation? We'll this compliation of thoughts is exactly that. Random stuff.
So....right now at this moment, im watching COPS...and they're commenting on a car "smelling like" cocaine. What is that? What does it smell like? I would guess like rotten chocolate. If cocaine comes from chocolate......right?....and then you cook it i would guess it smells like that.
I didn't do a whole lot today. Was looking forward to the long weekend so that i could be productive and get some house projects done.....or something....all these things that i think about during the week. But today....not so much. Slept late. Was so freaking hot outside....the thought of going outside to do yard work was nauseating. So i did stupid inside stuff (laundry, played on the computer, etc.) In doing so, i read thru some old emails and it made me realize how completely and totally UNHAPPY i was at my last job. I noticed that i did ALOT of work at home. (emailing stuff to and from myself at work because we had the WORST office/server set up ever.) Anyway....i don't have much to say today so i'm going to do something else.

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